FMF Writing Prompt: Opportunity

I think it's pretty interesting that the FMF writing prompt for today is opportunity. Opportunity is naturally apart of my life because I'm always seeking ways to encourage others through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Everything about my life is so miraculous, and I want to share what Jesus has done for me everywhere I go.

I've been homeschooling my youngest son for three years, and this year we joined a homeschool
co-op for field trips. I love it because my son gets to hang out with other kids while we enjoy visiting some pretty cool places.

Yesterday, we were visiting our local police station. There is a mom in the group who is really having a tough time right with an EX along with some custody issues. We've spoken briefly before about the details of the situation. She came and stood next to me. I could see the pain in her eyes as she explained NEW details that were ripping her heart into shreds.

I stood there quietly and listened. I waited for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to seize the opportunity to share the HOPE with this mother from my very similar experience.

I could feel the presence of Jesus as I touched her arm gently and told her specifics of what I did to overcome the devastation of the lies, abuse, and the torture of being separated from my oldest son. I told her about the importance of forgiveness, worship, and praying over her precious boys. The tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. I started getting teary-eyed too as I remembered what I had overcome from that terrible time in my life. It didn't feel good then, but it was worth the heartache in order
to be placed in a position to release the HOPE. After speaking for a few minutes, I suddenly saw this mother's countenance changed as she inhaled God's healing balm for her heart.

I'm so thankful that HE truly never wastes the pain in our lives. I'm just humbled to be used by HIM.


  1. This is beautiful! I love that you're allowing God to use your heartache to enable you to bring hope and encouragement to others. Visiting from FMF #20.

  2. Outstanding, thoughtful and faith-filled post. Thank you for sharing this!

    #1 at FMF this week.

  3. Wow, what an inspirational, faith-filled post! I love how you open yourself up to any opportunity for sharing and caring, and to lavish the healing grace, eternal hope and love of Jesus on others. It was such a moving read. Thank you!


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